I have been a bit away from the computer these last couple of days and only heard of Michael Spencer's graduation this afternoon. Indeed, a fellow pastor who is aware of my own limited prospects encouraged me to think of my remaining days as preparation for graduation. It is a time when the graduate leaves home to the next phase of their life. For who are left behind, we feel the keen sense of loss in saying goodbye to them and are sometimes overwhelemed with sadness and sorrow. The graduate himself or herself will feel great sadness at leaving but anticipation at where the are going.
I may share more thoughts in coming days but indeed Michael has graduated and now sees the one he loved the most, face to face. I rejoice that he sees Jesus and is unimpeded with and freed from the terrible diseases of the fall that caused him such pain over these last months.
For now, and I hope that maybe Denise Spencer or one of the kids might see this post, I just want to state my sincere love for Michael and appreciation for his many challenges to me and all those who read him. We tangled a few times over some issues but we tangled as colleagues in a similar pursuit of Jesus. All in all, Michael always succeeded in what he sought ought to do - to make much of Jesus. I am very glad I was able interact with him about these matters on a number of occasions. I'm glad that Michael sees who those of us who are left can only see from a distance and write about.
And he paves the way for several of us who will, unless God intervenes in a different direction, join him very soon. I hope that we who are soon to be with Michael in the presence of Jesus will finish our callings well. And I do pray that Denise and the kids will see, hear and feel the immense love that so many of us had for your beloved and that you are well cared for in these days and feel the love that is pouring in from all over for your family.
Nicely said. Thank you.
Posted by: Phillip Winn | April 08, 2010 at 09:48 AM
Beautiful. Thank you, David.
Posted by: GL | April 08, 2010 at 10:59 PM
Thank you for giving us such a perspective, Mr. Wayne.
My wishes for you are that "God intervenes in a different direction".
God bless you and your family!
Posted by: Bettina Klix | April 10, 2010 at 07:33 AM
Dear Mr. Wayne: Just a quick hello from someone you don't know. :)
That's a nice post about Michael. How quickly he was called home. He was a good thinker, a great communicator, very empathetic, and as you say always focused on Jesus and his mercy. I also had my differences with him on occasion. That's what communication is about. We differ that's why we talk, otherwise, there is no need to dialogue.
It is a strange addition to my wish to be in heaven one day and see Jesus, to also anticipate meeting fellow bloggers, whom one seems to know so much about and think one knows quite well, but has not met. A new dimension for me.
I am sorry to read about your illness; it is a very stressful time for the family. I lost my mother when she was 44 to leukemia. But God's word and promises are true whether we just manage to be joyful or not. God's grace is intimately connected to suffering. We can't get around it, though we wish it. I pray that is also a time of blessing for your family, and even a faith adventure. God is not finished with us yet.
I just wanted to also mention to you, since you have Bo Giertz' "Hammer of God" listed by the side, that Bror Erickson, who also commented on I-Monk quite a bit, just translated Bo Giertz' "The Knight of Rhodes", which is available at Amazon. You might enjoy it. There is one review there, which I've written. :) You might also appreciate the theology of the cross that is found in the book.
Sincerely, Brigitte.
Posted by: Brigitte | April 10, 2010 at 01:39 PM
Just as I did with Michael, I really do hope you will be with us for much, much longer, David. A great tribute to our friend, the iMonk. And big hugs to you.
Posted by: Bill Kinnon | April 17, 2010 at 01:54 PM
Thank you for sharing this information. The information was very helpful and saved a lot of my time.
Posted by: Graduate Dissertation | November 01, 2010 at 11:15 AM
This isn't Denise or Noel or Clay but I am Clay's wife. Michael was my teacher at Oneida and I was fortunate enough to join his family just before he merged with the infinite. Over a year later reading this still helps me know that he had fulfilled the purpose he hoped to fulfill. Thank you.
Posted by: Taylorclaypool | May 22, 2011 at 11:31 PM