Those of you who read Christian blogs regularly may know the names Michael Spencer and Matt Chandler. Michael is one of the most well known bloggers out there, he has been blogging for years at the Internet Monk and Boars Head Tavern. Matt pastors the Village Church near Dallas. Both have recently found out they have cancer. I don't know much detail but it seems that both have been diagnosed very recently. So, they may still be working through the initial shocks. I remember how devastating it was for me and I am sure it is so for them. But, they are men of clear evangelical faith who are keeping a strong testimony for Christ.
Please pray for these beloved men, their wives and kids and the communities they serve
I can't believe iMonk has cancer. It was bad enough hearing about Mark Traphagen and now this. Do you know what type of cancer he has?
Posted by: Michele McGinty | December 18, 2009 at 09:26 PM
BTW, it really does take a while to get over the initial shock. I didn't blog about it until the night before the surgery. I still find it hard to blog about. I haven't blogged about the fact that I had a problem with my CT scan and the cancer may be back. Still trying to work through that shock I guess.
Posted by: Michele McGinty | December 18, 2009 at 09:30 PM
Also, not to pile on, but another blogger named Bobby Grow has recently been diagnosed.
He's being very open and public, like yourself, which I think is admirable and helpful to others even if just in an education sense.
Posted by: J. | December 20, 2009 at 10:50 PM
Yeah, Bobby and I have corresponded a bit. I didn't know about Mark, thanks for the heads up Michelle. Michelle, I'd be more than happy to chat with you and pray for you offline if you want to send me an e-mail. I agree about the initial shock.
Posted by: David Wayne | December 21, 2009 at 01:28 AM
What's going on? Forget cell-phones and cancer; maybe it's blogging (trying to be a little light).
I emailed Imonk because I heard there was something going on with him; but I didn't realize it was this ridiculous cancer stuff. Does anyone know what kind of cancer Michael has? And how about Matt, I heard he had surgery; so the tumor was malignant, then (shux)?
Thank you "J" for mentioning me here; and David, thank you for praying. I'm praying for you too brother, and I'll be praying for you too Michael McGinty. And Michelle, do you have cancer?
I'm praying!!!
Posted by: Bobby Grow | December 21, 2009 at 01:46 AM
David, I've been praying for you for a year now, and for Matt as well for the last couple weeks. Wasn't aware that iMonk was battling cancer as well. Then these other folks as well; the prayer list will grow. God bless, and celebrate the incarnation knowing that God is indeed in control and works all things to bring glory to Himself--even those things we cannot understand humanly.
Posted by: Byron | December 21, 2009 at 10:27 AM
"It is God that multiplies our sorrows.... God, as a righteous Judge, does it, which ought to silence us under all our sorrows; as many as they are, we have deserved them all, and more: nay, God, as a tender Father, does it for our necessary correction, that we may be humbled for sin, and weaned from the world by all our sorrows; and the good we get by them, with the comfort we have under them, will abundantly balance our sorrows, how greatly soever they are multiplied."
- Matthew Henry
(Hat tip, PuritanBoard.)
Posted by: J. | December 22, 2009 at 03:52 AM
Looks like the iMonk (Michael Spencer) is going to be operated on tomorrow morning:
There's also an update in one of the recent posts on the Boar's Head Tavern.
Posted by: J. | December 23, 2009 at 06:51 PM