This is one of the best quotes I have seen on suffering. It's from the great Dutch theologian Geerhardus Vos. One thing I have learned through my recent ordeal is that there is a temptation to try to avoid the the issue and hope they go away, but you just can't do that - you have to face these things squarely. God has grace for those who face their trials squarely, not those who run from them or try to pretend they aren't there.
And oh btw, I'm ripping this off from Jared Wilson at The Gospel-Driven Church, a blog I highly recommend you put in your rss reader.
“What the Lord expects from us at such seasons is not to abandon ourselves to unreasoning sorrow, but trustingly to look sorrow in the face, to scan its features, to search for the help and hope, which, as surely as God is our Father, must be there. In such trials there can be no comfort for us so long as we stand outside weeping.
If only we will take the courage to fix our gaze deliberately upon the stern countenance of grief, and enter unafraid into the darkest recesses of our trouble, we shall find the terror gone, because the Lord has been there before us, and, coming out again, has left the place transfigured, making of it by the grace of his resurrection a house of life, the very gate of heaven.”
David, thanks for the linkage. One correction: I am Jared Wilson, not Jared Bridges, although I hear that Jared is quite a fine blogger himself. :-)
Praying for you, bro.
Posted by: Jared Wilson | August 10, 2009 at 12:21 PM
Jared - many apologies for that - I know very well who you are - I think I met you and the other Jared at the same time and sometimes have your names running together in my head. I fixed it, and again, many apologies.
Posted by: David Wayne | August 10, 2009 at 06:10 PM
David- I'm tempted to say that I just happened to stumble upon your blog, but I'm convinced that I was somehow led here by the providential hand of God; and so that is how I must call it. Your thoughts on suffering have strengthened me today. My own disease is quite different from yours in that it is leading to a slow paralysis rather than death. However, there were times during the lengthy diagnosis period in which they were unsure if I was going to live- and I was just about convinced that I would not. There were a few dark moments in which I had to come to grips with what I believe. By the grace of God those dark moments were short lived. Our suffering is a mystery which I do not understand. What I do understand though, is that our short time on earth is the only opportunity we will ever have to identify with Christ in His sufferings. Once we cross over we will no longer have this opportunity; and so I accept my suffering as an act of God's sufficient grace. I was blessed by the Vos quote. Thank you for posting it. I will come back often to follow your story and will pray for you as often as I visit.
Posted by: Aaron | August 11, 2009 at 11:50 PM
MacArthur had a great series on suffering this week. Worth a listen. Thanks for the Vos quote, brother.
Posted by: Demian Farnworth | August 14, 2009 at 10:00 AM
David, I was reading some quotes today on suffering (to encourage my own weak soul & body) and God brought you to mind. So, I was praying for you... that God would encourage you and give you grace and strength in your suffering as well. And then I decided to come see what you had to say.
Thank you for this quote. God has been working in many areas of my life over the past year not to simply ignore suffering and pain, but rather to carry it to the foot of the cross, acknowledge my need and look to His merciful hand for compassion and help. I spent years just sticking my head in the sand and pretending, but as I'm learning to acknowledge my pain and how that relates to my Savior, I have found much hope and comfort.
What a comfort to know my Jesus understands my weakness and has promised to uphold me through every trial. Thanks again!
Posted by: Emily | August 20, 2009 at 03:45 PM
Your comments have been a huge help to me the last few months as I have struggled with challenges. My prayers go up for you and your family. Thanks.
Posted by: Joe | September 17, 2009 at 10:13 PM