The PCA General Assembly is next week in Dallas and I'll be there. In the past I've blogged at the general assembly but that has been catch as catch can. The problem with blogging is that you never know if the assembly hall is going to have wireless so I think this year I am going to post to my twitter account.
I have a twitter account but haven't used it much and I'm not sure I'll ever become a true power user of twitter. But I think it could be helpful for an event like this. I'll be able to text updates even if I'm away from a wireless connection. Plus I may be able to keep the posts coming more in real time. I'll still try to blog, but I'm going to give twitter a go.
So, I'd like to make this post an info spot for people going to or wanting info on GA. If you are going to GA and will be blogging or twittering, why don't you leave a comment here with your blog address or twitter feed. If you are going and just want to try to get together while you are there, leave me a note - maybe we can have some kind of blogger get-together.
And, if you are a PCA member or friend who just wants to follow what is happening at the GA, I plan on posting my twitter feed in a sidebar here on the blog or in a post - just gotta figure out how to do it. But, why don't you subscribe to my twitter feed which is here, and if you register with twitter you'll be able to respond to my posts and we can get some conversation going.
There should be some hot debates, particularly over the role of women so I'll do my best to keep you updated.
yes, you'll have to provide me with some good info, particularly on that issue. Don't want you all going weird on me since my only opps seem to be in the PCA.
Posted by: cavman | June 04, 2008 at 05:01 PM
Wow! You are so good at figuring things out. I love it. It would be really neat if you did creamy carimal and the map lightly on the background of the inside and then stamped the info in black over it. I love it.
Posted by: retro jordan 8 | November 09, 2010 at 04:21 AM