One of the first and best Christian bloggers was Jared Wilson from The Thinklings and Mysterium Tremendum. He has been blogging below the radar for awhile, but is now back with a new blog called "The Gospel Driven Church." I'm very glad to see him back and highly recommend that you keep up with him.
To whet your appetite for his blog, here's the first five of 32 Theses on the Brokenness of the Church:
2. The Bible designates one vessel to hold this kingdom community, and it is The Church. You might fraternize with other believers in coffee shops, informal communes, online chat rooms or forums, blogs, bars, or the big outdoors, but only biblical churches satisfy the discipleship need for The Church.
3. Honest Christians will differ on what constitutes a “biblical church,” and while disagreement is understandable and okay, beware of any church that says, explicitly or implicitly, “we do it right” or “we do it better” than the church down the street.
4. Ecclesiological one-upmanship (“My church is better than your church”) is a sin.
5. The reason you should not give up on church or The Church is because Jesus did not give up on you. And if He calls the church His Body, giving up on it means giving up on Him.
And a big tip o' the hat to my buddy Glenn Lucke at Common Grounds Online.
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Tags: Blogs, blogging, weblogs, religion, theology, Christian, Christianity, church, discipleship
David, you honor and bless me, sir. Thanks for the kind words (and the plug)!
Posted by: Jared | August 08, 2007 at 08:44 AM
I came across his BCC is Broken blog two days ago, in search of the full text of Eugene Peterson's "Spirituality for All the Wrong Reasons," much-linked but now restricted to Christianiy Today subscribers on their web site.
Dec. 2006.
That was a service I appreciated.
Posted by: Julana | August 08, 2007 at 02:00 PM