"Guys don't grow up, they just get bigger and taller," so says Mrs. Jolly.
We were out of tow this past weekend driving through Amish country enjoying the scenery and some witty banter. I can't remember what we were talking about but she said something to which I offered one of my usual thoughtful replies. But she perceived something in my expression that led her to believe I was being sarcastic. I asked her why she thought that and she said "I could tell by that Junior High smirk."
"Hmm . . ." I said, "you know us guys, we just never grow up now do we?" She said "nope, you just get bigger and taller." I know that women say things like that about men all the time so I asked her where she heard it and she said she made it up on the spot.
So, though all of you women have expressed the same sentiment from time to time, please be sure and credit Mrs. Jolly if you should use those exact words ;-)
Technorati Tags: Humor, Relationships, Men and Women
She forgot to add fater
Posted by: Nate | January 31, 2007 at 12:35 PM