My lovely daughter just made an interesting observation about the TV show Lost. Think of how many people on Lost have killed someone.
Jack - killed Kate's marshall (actually, he just finished him off, but he still killed him).
Kate - sort of killed her boyfriend
Sawyer - killed the guy he thought had ruined the family.
Jin - my daughter thinks he killed that one guy, but I think he just beat him up.
Charlie - killed Ethan
Sayid - killed lots of people as a member of the Republican guard
Locke - responsible for the death of Boone.
Danielle - killed her own people.
Those who apparently haven't killed anyone, or at least not anyone we know of - Claire, Sun, Hurley, Shannon, Michael, Walt.
It probably means nothing, but it is interesting to point out. Just imagine living in a society where over 50% of the people have taken the life of someone else, or are in some way responsible for their death. Of course, these are only the main characters, there are over 40 people on the island. But then again, some of those people may have taken someone's life. But, in the best case scenario, probably something close to 20%, of the population of the island has taken a life.
Interesting, huh?
Update - Lovely Daughter has a post with some links and some cool stuff on lost, including a link to the airline, whose sight has some great easter eggs on it.
Hurley killed his grandfather (grandmother?) indirectly, didn't he?
Posted by: Tim | June 10, 2005 at 01:12 PM
And hey, wasn't Walt in some way responsible for his mother's death? Obviously we're just learning what's so special about him, but he seems to bring about death.
Posted by: Tim | June 10, 2005 at 01:26 PM
lol... Hurley didn't kill anyone. It was the shock of the lottery winning, that did grandpa in.
Posted by: Carla | June 10, 2005 at 01:29 PM
Ernst (sp?) killed himself. Oooh! Creepy. It looks like everybody has a little Ernst on them.
I'm amazed that morals exist on a show where so many are living by their own standards, but then Van Til would have called that borrowed capital. Maybe Abrams point is to bring people together who are living for self (self-worship) and demonstrate that society cannot function when we are islands unto ourselves. (Pun intended)
Posted by: Shaun | June 10, 2005 at 02:23 PM
What if it ties into why they're on the Island? I'm going to stop speaking now just in case no one saw the finale.
(don't know why it's not letting me link to my site so i put in something else)
Posted by: Rey | June 10, 2005 at 02:28 PM
Carla - But Hurley believes that was part of the curse of his bad luck which has caused others to die...
Posted by: Tim | June 10, 2005 at 09:55 PM
And don't forget that Boone felt responsible for the death of his nanny. I'm not sure a difference has been made between first degree murder, second degree, negligent homicide, etc., but David is right that a HUGE number of the Lostaways either are responsible or feel responsible for someone's death.
Has anyone done an analysis of JJ Abrams worldview from his other TV shows? I would be very curious what can be gleened from those.
Posted by: Liz | June 11, 2005 at 11:46 AM
From Alias we get the idea that every single person in the show has a secret and have lied about it.
(still thinks my url is invalid)
Posted by: Rey | June 12, 2005 at 02:07 AM