I've just done another round of updates on the League of Reformed Bloggers and the PCA Blogroll. Check the blogrolls on the left side of this blog and follow the links to the aggregators. Let me know if you should be there and aren't. And, if you are interested in joining (how about it Phil?) here's the info for how to join.
I'm not sure if I have mentioned this before, but here's a little suggestion that may help you and your readers. I am reading more and more blogs these days through an rss reader - I'm using Bloglines mostly. Since more and more folks are using rss readers these days may I suggest that you put your rss/atom subscribe link somewhere at the top of the page. For most blogs its a fairly small and unobtrusive thing so it won't take up a lot of space. That will just make it easier for those of us who like to use rss readers to find your feed and add you and thus help us read you more often. And, if you join bloglines they make it real easy - they've got a little bookmarklet you can add to your Firefox bookmarks toolbar to subscribe in one click. Oh btw - you are using Firefox now aren't you?
I finally got my buddy Steve to read my blog - he left a comment on my review of Kingdom of Heaven. Steve's a pastor, movie buff, heavy reader and all around good guy. He reviews a lot of books and movies on his church's website here. So, let me encourage you to go and read his reviews - if you like them tell him to get a blog so you can read them more easily. If you hate them tell him to get a blog so you can have someone to vent on.
And finally, like many of you I have heard and read alot of stuff on the Mac vs. PC debate. Not that I have the money or could afford one, but I have almost been persuaded to abandon my PC in favor of a Mac. However, I have just come across this video from a young lady named Skyler who has shown me the error of my ways and has convinced me to stay with the PC. Thanks Skyler for saving me from a big mistake. HT - Creating Passionate Users.
You really should switch to a Mac no matter how deep in debt it take you. Thanks for linking to the switcher video, I'm downloading it currently for future Applevangelization. Also, I thought you might enjoy my recent opine on the insanity of Internet Explorer followed by a shameless plug for Firefox at http://www.one28ministries.org/home/183/183/weblog/2005/05/internet-exploder.html.
Posted by: Sean Higgins | June 05, 2005 at 07:08 PM
I would like to be added to both the League of Reformed Bloggers and the PCA Blog role. I can affirm all that is necessary and I have been a member in the PCA for my whole life.
Here is my feed address: http://watersofshiloah.blogspot.com/atom.xml
Posted by: Robert | June 05, 2005 at 09:49 PM
By the way, you changed my link in the LORB but didn't change your own link to me.
Posted by: Jeremy Pierce | June 06, 2005 at 07:20 AM
I'm not sure if the feed isn't working or if you just don't have it... Sorry to be a pain! Here's the feed: http://humblemusings.com/feed/
Posted by: Amy | June 06, 2005 at 10:47 AM