Regular readers will note that there has been nothing to read here this week - sorry 'bout that. My wife is out of town nursing her sister who just came through a very very major surgery. So this week I am playing dad, the reverend and Mr. Mom. I've had car trouble and sick kid trouble. So, needless to say, blogging has taken a backseat.
However, one thing I have learned is to appreciate the predicament of the single mom (or dad). I've been a single dad for three days now and don't quite know which way is up. I also know this is temporary as I have an eschatological hope before me, knowing that I am in the last days of this torment. God willing, my wife's parousia will take place in five days and we will experience times of refreshing, and the renewal of all things. Most single moms and dads don't have such a near hope and my heart goes out to them. Of course we all know that single moms are far more capable and competent than temporarily single dads and can manage much better, but still, they need our prayers and whatever assistance we can give them.
Being a single dad, I know exactly what you're talking about. It gets easier the older the kids get but the gray hair still shows up at a faster rate than it used to. :-)
Posted by: Larry | May 05, 2005 at 10:53 PM
I could write a book about this. The church does a pathetic job of helping single parents. They're fine with helping widows, but if your husband runs off with another woman, that's another story. By the time they figured out if I fell into a category that they could help (I didn't), my kids were practically grown. Do I sound bitter? Maybe I will write that book.
Posted by: Alison | May 06, 2005 at 10:17 AM
Read Dan Edelen's recent post on this subject and how the church is so negative toward stay-at-home dads. His blog is called Cerulean Santum. THis was the post he entered at this week's Christian Carnival which might help you find it more easily.
Posted by: Diane R | May 06, 2005 at 10:29 AM
Someone at a singles event at my church showed me a cartoon of Noah's ark with all the "regular" animals in pairs already on board and the unicorn, winged horse and a few other one-of-a-kind animals going in the back door. Maybe a little irreverant, but some of us could relate to being treated that way in our churches. Add kids to the mix and they really don't know what to do with you.
Posted by: Paula | May 06, 2005 at 10:19 PM
Hey, Paula, you can help me write my book!!
Posted by: alison | May 09, 2005 at 12:19 AM
I am admittedly very upset right now over a heated conversation that just took place, and I don't know where else to release that steam. I’m sure I’ll step on some toes in the process. I usually do. Frankly, I don’t care this time. Dads need to stop leaving their kids, and I’m tired of men not being the ones to say it. I’m tired of the world tip-toeing around these guys’ feelings. I’m really tired of society acting like such behavior is now “normal” or “expected”. I’m tired of the media making light of it. I'm tired of the emails and comments from endless mothers who've been thrown under the bus. More than anything, I’m tired of dads not taking their responsibilities and duties seriously.
Posted by: Account Deleted | February 03, 2011 at 04:04 PM