Looking at my little sitemeter here today it looks like, God willing, I should get my 100,000th visitor sometime on Saturday. I realize that this doesn't compare to the big guys who get that many visits before lunch, nor to the hundreds of blogs that can reach that amount in a couple of weeks or months, whereas it has taken me over a year.
But still, it is a milestone and I am quite happy about it because I couldn't have imagined having that many hits when I started blogging. So, here's a big thanks to everyone who has visited me over the past year, and especially to my regular readers. And an extra big thanks to all of my commenters, even the critics. You are the ones who make blogging so much fun and keep me coming back for more. Thanks for making blogging a truly remarkable experience for me, I hope I have played a part in making it a good experience to you.
BTW - just for fun - if you are on my blog on Saturday and see that you are the 100,000th visitor, send me a comment so I can give you a shout out. Of course if I don't get that 100,000th visitor till Sunday or next week I'll eat a little humble pie, but you can still let me know. Then again, it may be God's will that everyone quits reading me now and I never get the 100,000th visitor and I'll just have to really eat lots of humble pie. Then again, it may be that it's really late and I should be in bed instead of rambling on with all of this nonsense. So, G'day or sweet dreams to everyone depending on when you are reading this and happy blogging and reading.
As the 99,962nd visitor, I would like to say thx for the work you do here. I was about your 5,000th visitor I think. I read a post you did based on a Tim Keller sermon ... about going to the city to make a name for yourself. I thought, this guy really has something edifying to say ... and appreciates Keller, no less.
Been coming back ever since. I hope the list of PCA pastor bloggers continues to grow ... it could have quite an impact.
BTW, I am still waiting for you read "The Making of A Leader" ... written by a guy whom I have known all my life. I am interested to hear your reflections on your own process items and perspective on where you are in your own journey.
Posted by: Jeff | March 05, 2005 at 09:13 AM
The numbers reflect quality, not just quantity: if your blog were not worth reading, you wouldn't have these numbers.
Keep going. Can 250,000 be far behind?
Posted by: Mike | March 05, 2005 at 10:23 AM
wow, i really wanted to know, but i didn't know where to look to see what number i was :(
Posted by: letti | March 05, 2005 at 11:00 AM
I hit 10,000, but only because I came back several times after being your 999,995th visitor. I just couldn't resist it! Congratulations for being one of the "elder statesmen" of Christian blogging.
Posted by: TheBloke...IntheOuter | March 05, 2005 at 11:30 AM
Congratulations on your 100,000 th visitor. I read you blog most days and want to thank you for making me think. Sadly the ability to think through issues in a consistent manner is sadly lacking in the church today. I found your blog only recently and want to encourage you to keep it up.
Posted by: MEL | March 05, 2005 at 11:34 AM
This is my first time on your site. I am amazed that you have had that many hits. But then again, looking at the quality of your blog it doesn't surprise me. Congratulations. By the way, I may not be the 100,000 but I'm sure to be back to click the counter a few more times.
Posted by: Spunky | March 05, 2005 at 11:48 AM
OK now I'm confused - was it Mel or the Bloke who was # 100,000? And thanks for all the kind words and especially for my Spunky new reader
Posted by: David Wayne | March 05, 2005 at 02:17 PM
Rats, 100,335. Congrats, David!
Posted by: Joe | March 06, 2005 at 03:17 AM
I thought I did hit the big 100,000 but only because I arrived at your blog at 999,995 and then came back again at 999,998, and then I just could not help myself but had to close the browser and come back once more. I thought I might get 100,001 or something, but I did get to 100,000. Then I felt guilty and not sure what to say in my comments! perhaps MEL and I hit on to 100,000 at the same time or perhaps there is a bug with sitemeter? In any case, because I effectively cheated, maybe the honors should go to MEL.
Posted by: The Bloke...in the Outer... | March 06, 2005 at 06:23 PM
I was excited to see I had almost 700 hits on my blog. Until I realized probably 500 of them were me checking out how many hits I have received.
Congratulations, and great work.
Posted by: Jeremy | March 07, 2005 at 03:27 PM