I have been doing a bit of maintenance on the League of Reformed Bloggers today and I think I have added everyone to it that has asked me recently. Once again, I offer my regular apologies for being slow about this, but I think I am caught up.
If you have requested to be added lately, please double check the blogroll and the aggregator at www.reformedbloggers.com and let me know if you aren't there. Please be aware that sometimes it takes the aggregator a day or two to pick up your feed, so if it's not there, give it a little time and then let me know if you still aren't showing up.
BTW - for folks who are reading this and finding out about the League of Reformed Bloggers for the first time, here is the post where it was introduced and where the membership requirements are spelled out.
I sent e-mail a few days ago because I've "moved" the URL for my blog (going from blogger to a hosting service + movable type). I guess either it got lost in the shuffle, or you didn't get to it when you were doing maintenance.
Anyhow, the old URL was http://pseudopolymath.blogspot.com is changed to http://www.pseudopolymath.com. The RSS feeds will be http://www.pseudopolymath.com/index.rss or index.xml or index.rdf, depending on the format of the feed. If none of those feeds work, I can use feedburner again to convert it.
If you could make that change, I'd appreciate it.
Posted by: Mark Olson | March 04, 2005 at 04:42 PM
Hi JB,
I've mentioned this before, but I still have two duplicate entries in the League. My blog is "Yes, but...". Please remove the entry that points to "www.hobbes.org.uk".
Posted by: Richard | March 04, 2005 at 04:44 PM
Hi David,
Could you please add my blog to the League of Reformed Bloggers? Here it is:
I am really green at the in's and out's of blogging, so I hope my site has the right feed. I am learning though!
Posted by: Joe Loughery | March 18, 2005 at 12:46 PM
I requested to join the League of Reformed Bloggers but have not yet been added to the list.
BTW, my parents live in Glen Burnie which means that I visit there several times a year. I'd love to get with you some time.
enjoying your blog,
Posted by: Dan | April 01, 2005 at 09:16 AM
Hi, I'm a Reformed Baptist pastor and I'd like to join the league of reformed bloggers. I left my details a couple of weeks ago, but nothing seemed to happen.
Blog: http://exiledpreacher.blogspot.com/
Posted by: Guy Davies | October 23, 2005 at 10:44 AM