Good news bloggers - you aren't wasting your time with all of this clickin, clacking and readin of blogs. Blogging is good for your brains. Actually, I have suspected this - I really think blogging has sharpened my thinking skills. As I create posts, read posts and interact with commenters I have been stretched intellectually in ways similar to what I experienced in seminary.
Now, the evidence is starting to come in showing what many of us have already been thinking - that blogging is good for the brain. Drs. Fernette and Brock Eide of Edmonds, WA have some evidence to that effect.
They say "After surveying the general range of materials that the blogosphere has to offer, we believe the following basic largely supportive conclusions are warranted:"
- Blogs can promote critical and analytical thinking.
- Blogging can be a powerful promoter of creative, intuitive, and associational thinking.
- Blogs promote analogical thinking.
- Blogging is a powerful medium for increasing access and exposure to quality information.
- Blogging combines the best of solitary reflection and social interaction.
You can read the whole article here.
Hat Tip - Rebecca Writes and Bene-Diction - let's hear it for the Canadiens!
Part of the reason I've started blogging is because it is a form of intellectual calisthenics for me.
Blogging with discipline forces me to think with disciple.
And that has to be good for me, eh?
Posted by: Teem | March 15, 2005 at 01:14 PM
FYI. This post will be featured on SmartChristian. Andy
Posted by: Dr. Andy Jackson | March 15, 2005 at 03:04 PM
Andy - which goes to show that, in order to be a SmartChristian, one needs to be a blogger - eh?
Posted by: David Wayne | March 15, 2005 at 03:12 PM
What is the laws of polygamy in this country? Surely a common law wife is enought to convict a polygamist and end his legal rights as a husband to Terry Schiavo.
Do his children have his name?
Something like having your cake and eating it too. He has relinquished his rights as her husband and the family or state should now have the legal authority to determine her future.
Posted by: Ron Lee | March 24, 2005 at 09:22 AM