Blogging about blogging . . .
A few folks are getting tired of all this blogging about blogging. As is often the case, I became aware of this through the Evangelical Outpost, which mentions it here. Josh Claybourn talks about it here and John at Rabe Ramblings weighs in with these words of warning about the blogging phenomenon:
. . . it's starting to seem as if a few successes are going to drive the medium to eventual death-via-narcissism.
Josh and John are right of course, we bloggers may be letting a little bit of positive press go to our heads, and I am certainly one of the most guilty as I have had several posts lately on blogging (and don't worry John, I don't hate you for pointing me out, oops did that sound a bit narcissistic, assuming you were talking about moi?). Over the last few days, even before I read what John and Josh said I was starting to have similar unsettling feelings. I started out writing about topics like theology and the Christian life and have lately gone to posting alot about blogging. That has a place, to a certain extent, but its time to get back to what I started with. As they say, when you go to the dance, "you gots to dance with the girl that brung ya." This is not to say that our blogging topics can't or shouldn't expand, but . . . well, you get the idea.
Having said all of that, bloggers ought not to feel too guilty about talking about blogging some of the time. The quote of the day comes from my favorite papist - Ales Rarus, who commented on the Evangelical Outpost post as follows:
Asking why bloggers talk about blogging is like asking stamp collectors why they talk about collecting stamps. Hobbyists talk about their hobbies and other hobbyists enjoy listening. Duh.
That's beautiful - a big protestant high five for you, my funky friend.
"That's beautiful - a big protestant high five for you, my funky friend."
Protestant high five? Would that be a high Five Solas? ;)
Posted by: Funky Dung | January 28, 2005 at 03:03 PM
Absolutely !!
Posted by: David Wayne | January 28, 2005 at 04:19 PM
Actually, that post of mine received enough attention around the blogosphere that I've now started taking myself very seriously after all... ;-)
Posted by: John R. | January 28, 2005 at 10:24 PM
Since blogging is the subject and I'm new at this, how does one start a new thread? I don't have a site but want to talk about Nancy Pearcey's, Total Truth. Instead of envying Tim Challies about his connections, have you read the book? It is right out there in front but I am frustrated at where it ends. I suppose society isn't ready for it yet but I have been studying the worldview with David Quine's homeschool curriculum for four plus years, and I am a hungry lion! I posted on Challies and Adrian Warnock's blogs. Let's get some dialog going on the worldview concept, church engagement, where do we go from here. Pearcey ends with a critique on pastoral ethics and the total surrender of the Christian life. Okay, but what about the teaching and preaching of cultural mandate and the basic premise that Christians must rely on the whole truth of the Bible as their roadmap in political activism, work, play and community. The whole of life. She is dead on about our sick culture and the pathetic state of the church. I'm not a pastor or a pastor's wife. I have no leadership role right now so please bear with my frustration.
Posted by: cwv warrior | January 29, 2005 at 11:41 AM